Is your hair starting to thin? Do you find bald spots in the mirror? West Ashley Wellness and Rehab is here to help. Our hair restoration near me (Charleston, SC) can help men and women who are experiencing hair loss regain a luscious head of hair. We use PRP injections to the scalp to promote hair growth.
Schedule a hair restoration service today.
PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is super-concentrated blood plasma that is injected into your scalp. It contains growth factors that can stimulate new hair growth. Basically, it "wakes up" hair follicles that have gone dormant. Our system involves using your own blood to create the PRP treatment.
We use the Magellan PRP system to create the PRP formula. This ensures that the PRP treatment is "from the client, and for the client". Many peer-reviewed studies have found this to be an efficient method of treatment for hair loss.
Each treatment is different, so chose one from below that works for you:
Package A, which is a two-month treatment that comes with one PRP treatment each month.
Package B, is a two-session treatment which includes two PRP treatments.
Package C, is a three-month treatment which includes three PRP treatments.
Contact us today to ask about the various treatment plans available.
Hair loss represents an unwanted and stressful experience for both men and women. This can be psychologically distressing, and significantly affecting their quality of life. The American Hair Loss Association estimated that more than 80 million men and women are suffering from hair loss concerns in the US.
Say goodbye to NEEDLE Phobia, say HELLO to needle free and painless hair restoration! No topical anesthetic or post treatment shedding!
Noticeable results in one treatment!
Alma TED uses acoustic sound waves and air pressure to drive medications past our protective layer of skin down to the dermis. Our TED+ Hair formula contains ingredients that support optimal hair and scalp health and follicular strengh. Our skilled team at The Spa West Ashley in Charleston, can restore your hair in quick 25 minute treatments. Say goodbye to NEEDLE PHOBIA , say hello to NEEDLE FREE & PAINLESS Hair Restoration!! No topical anesthetic or post treatment shedding!
Alma TED works by using acoustic sound waves and air pressure to drive active components deeper in the skin for higher compound absorption. The acoustic sound waves creates gaseous bubbles within the stratum corneum that expand the lipid bilayer allowing for medications to absorb. Air pressure creates a push and pull effect that drives the medications even further.
So instead of creating channels with needles or laser energy, we are now creating temporary pain free channels that allow the medications to penetrate the skin. This is a revolutionary process.
Patients are noticing results after 1 treatment but the timeline is as follows:
2 weeks- less shedding during daily routine. Early signs of growth
1 month- new hairs begins to sprout
2 months- hair has more volume giving it height
3 months- bald spots begin to fill, less scalp showing.
Patients typically require 3 treatments.
Alma TED treats a variety of non scarring alopecia. Its treats male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic Alopecia affects males as early in their 20s and affects females later in life secondary to hormones or stress. This is secondary to higher levels of 5-alpha-reductase which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone causing hair follicles to become weak and fall.
Alma TED can be used throughout the scalp. We can also use it on the eyebrows or beard area. We can also combine Alma TED with our other laser the ALMA Hybrid for even better results.
West Ashley Wellness & Rehab, 2 Carriage Ln Charleston, SC 29407 USA
Phone: 843-571-3100